Glotrans would like to send to customers and partners the latest information about the situation of Cat Lai port in recent days:
According to Saigon Newport Corporation, currently the number of imported containers in stock at Cat Lai port is increasing rapidly because many factories and enterprises reduce production or stop operating because of the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic. Many regulations on distance and anti-epidemic have adversely affected the receipt and release of cargo ships.

Therefore, Saigon Newport Corporation has informed shipping lines and customers of new adjustments.
For shipping lines, shipping agents, Cat Lai port will temporarily stop receiving imported goods from businesses and customers who are stopping production, encouraging ships entering the port to only receive export goods, temporarily suspending receiving cold goods. transshipment of intestines to containers until the end of August 16.
From August 5-8, Cat Lai port will temporarily stop receiving goods occupying large yards such as: super-long, super-heavy cargo, project cargo, oversized cargo, overloaded cargo, etc. This regulation applies until further notice new.
Shipping lines actively persuade customers to adjust the destination port - the place to receive goods directly to other locations in the system such as Tan Cang - Cai Mep international port (TCIT), Tan Cang - Cai Mep Thi Vai port (TCTT) and Hiep Phuoc port for ships docked at TCIT, TCTT, the port will support shipping lines and customers to work with customs authorities to carry out Manifest editing procedures quickly and conveniently.
In case the amount of containers in stock reaches the maximum exploitation capacity, Cat Lai port will have to stop receiving cargo ships.
For corporate customers, Saigon Newport Corporation encourages the initiative to deliver goods directly at TCIT, TCTT, and Hiep Phuoc ports or to register for delivery and receipt at ICDs and inland ports belonging to Saigon Newport Corporation, close to customers' factories and businesses.
Due to the general effect of Cat Lai port overcapacity, some shipments may face difficulties. Dear customers, please check information with GLOTRANS for advice before transporting goods to Cat Lai port to avoid congestion.